quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2016

Tutorial completo. Load Balance Mikrotik v6.34.2 Bom, nesse Load balance vamos utilizar uma RB 450G Mikrotik e 3 Link “adsl e vdsl”, sendo dois links de 15 megas cada, e 1 link de 25 megas. 1° PASSO - RESETANDO EQUIPAMENTO Abra o WINBOX, abra system -> reset configuration -> reset configuration -> ok. Abra o Winbox novamente e remova as configurações na tela, que irá aparecer. 2° PASSO - ALTERANDO (LOGUIN-SENHA E IDENTIFICAÇÃO) DO EQUIPAMENTO. Abra system -> User -> coloque seu nome de acesso -> Aplly -> Ok. Feche o Winbox e abra o novamente, -> system -> password -> coloque sua senha de acesso -> Aplly -> Ok. Feche o Winbox e o abra novamente, -> system -> Identity -> Escreva “LOAD BALANCE” -> Aplly -> Ok. 3° PASSO - CONFIGURANDO DNS. Abra o Winbox, IP -> DNS -> SERVERS -> primário e segundário -> marque o ícone Allow Remote Requests -> Max UDP Packet Size altere o valor para 512 -> Cache Size -> altere o valor para 10240 -> Aplly -> Ok. 4° PASSO – CONFIGURANDO DISCADOR PPPOE. Abra -> PPP -> ( + ) -> PPPoE Client -> General -> Name -> “LINK 15 MEGAS PPPOE” -> Max MTU -> 1480 -> Max MRU -> 1480 -> Interfaces -> “LINK 15 MEGAS PPPOE” -> Dial Out -> User -> loguin da sua operadora -> Password -> senha de autenticação da sua operadora -> Allow -> deixe todos marcados -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) -> PPPoE Client -> General -> Name -> “LINK 25 MEGAS PPPOE” -> Max MTU -> 1480 -> Max MRU -> 1480 -> Interfaces -> “LINK 25 MEGAS PPPOE” -> Dial Out -> User -> loguin da sua operadora -> Password -> senha de autenticação da sua operadora -> Allow -> deixe todos marcados. 5° PASSO – RENOMEANDO OU COMENTANDO INTERFACES. Abra Interface -> ether 1 Commet “LINK 15 MEGAS PPPOE” ether 2 Comment “LINK 15 MEGAS ROTEADO” -> ether 3 Comment “LINK 25 MEGAS PPPOE” -> ether 4 Comment “REDE LOCAL” ou deixe desativada ou como está -> ether 5 Comment “SERVIDOR” -> Aplly -> Ok em todos. 6° PASSO - CONFIGURANDO IPS. Abra IP -> Addresses -> + -> Adress -> -> Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) -> Adress -> -> Interface -> ether 2 “LINK 15 MEGAS ROTEADO” -> Aplly -> Ok. 7° PASSO - CONFIGURANDO NAT. Abra IP -> Firewall -> NAT -> ( + ) -> General -> Chain -> srcnat ->Out. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” e marque o ícone ! -> Action -> masquerade -> Comment “ NAT” -> Aplly -> OK. 8° PASSO - CONFIGURANDO MARCAÇÕES. Abra IP -> Firewall -> Mangle -> ( + ) -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Advanced -> Peer Connection Classifier -> both addresses and ports -> coloque o número 3 no primeiro quadrado e 0 no segundo quadrado -> Action -> Mark connection -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link1_conn -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Advanced -> Peer Connection Classifier -> both addresses and ports -> coloque o número 3 no primeiro quadrado e 1 no segundo quadrado -> Action -> Mark connection -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link2_conn -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Advanced -> Peer Connection Classifier -> both addresses and ports -> coloque o número 3 no primeiro quadrado e 2 no segundo quadrado -> Action -> Mark connection -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link3_conn -> Aplly -> Ok. 9° PASSO - REGRA PARA CLIENTE ENTRAR E SAIR PELO MESMO LINK ( + ) -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Action -> Mark routing -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link1_rout -> Comment “ PARA CLIENTE ENTRAR E SAIR PELO MESMO LINK “ Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Action -> Mark routing -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link2_rout -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Action -> Mark routing -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link3_rout -> Aplly ->Ok. 10° PASSO - MARK ROUTING Abra Mangle -> + -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Connection Mark -> link1_conn -> Action -> Mark routing -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link1_rout -> Comment “ MARK ROUTING “ -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Connection Mark -> link2_conn -> Action -> Mark routing -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link2_rout -> Aplly -> Ok. Clic IP -> Firewall -> Mangle -> + -> General -> prerouting -> In. Interface -> ether 5 “SERVIDOR” -> Connection Mark -> link3_conn -> Action -> Mark routing -> New Connection Mark -> escreva Link3_rout -> Aplly -> Ok. 11° PASSO - CONFIGURANDO ROTAS AOS LINKS PPPOE E ROTEADO. Abra IP -> Routes -> ( + ) Gateway -> “LINK 25 MEGAS PPPOE” ¬> Check Gateway -> ping -> Distance -> 1 -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) Gateway -> “LINK 15 MEGAS PPPOE” ¬> Check Gateway -> ping -> Distance -> 2 -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) Gateway -> “” ¬> Check Gateway -> ping -> Distance -> 3 -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) Gateway -> “LINK 25 MEGAS PPPOE” ¬-> Distance -> 1 -> Routing Mark -> link1_rout -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) Gateway -> “LINK 15 MEGAS PPPOE” ¬-> Distance -> 1 -> Routing Mark -> link2_rout -> Aplly -> Ok. ( + ) Gateway -> “” ¬-> Distance -> 1 -> Routing Mark -> link3_rout -> Aplly -> Ok. 12° PASSO - REGRA DE FIREWALL Abra IP -> Firewall -> Filter Rules ( + ) General -> Chain -> input -> Connection State -> marque invalid -> Action -> drop -> Comment -> “ NÃO ACEITA CONEÇÃO INVÀLIDA ” -> Aplly -> Ok 13° PASSO - CONFIGURANDO SERVIDOR DHCP IP -> Pools -> ( + ) -> ADRESSES -> -> Aplly -> OK IP -> DHCP Server -> ( + ) Name -> nome de sua preferência -> Interface -> ether “ SERVIDOR “ -> Lease time -> adicione o tempo de sua preferência -> Address Pool -> o tempo que você nomeou o Pool -> Aplly -> OK IP -> DHCP Server -> Networks -> ( + ) Adress -> -> Gateway -> DNS Servers -> primário e segundário -> Aplly - > OK 14° PASSO – DESATIVANDO PORTAS IP – SERVICES -> X PARA DESATIVAR A PORTA DESEJADA. Pronto! Sua RB 450G está totalmente configurada. Att, Area Wireless.

Um comentário:

  1. Tentei fazer aqui porem de um erro quando derrubo um link
    vc pode compartilhar o backup? Entendi tudinho porem n identifiquei o erro
